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Industry Leaders Interviewed (in 2014)
The National Association of REALTORS® requested the Swanepoel | T3 Group to uncover, research, and clarify the imminent and potential dangers facing the real estate industry, and present those results in a comprehensive report to inform the industry of the dangers as the first step in focusing the collective forces of the industry on developing solutions. And we have done so by reaching out to 70 of the industry’s most senior thought leaders from across the spectrum of Organized Real Estate, exploring their thoughts concerning the dangers facing the residential brokerage industry.
For the first time, CEOs of the largest franchisors, largest real estate brokerage companies, Associations (national, state and local), and MLSs have been interviewed face-to-face and confronted with the same key questions.
1. As you look across the U.S. residential real estate landscape, what causes you the most concern?
2. What is the U.S. residential real estate brokerage business’ greatest weakness?
3. Who in the real estate business is most at risk; Agents, Brokers, Franchisors, MLS, Associations, etc., and why?
4. Who or what is potentially organized real estate’s worst enemy?
5. What do you think has a low probability of occurring but could have a huge impact on the industry?
6. Is there anything the industry is blind towards or that the industry simply fails to understand… Black Swans?